What is Slideshow?
Pictures tell stories. Stories paint pictures. In between is this thing artists try to get at. Slideshow takes live-without-a-net readings of original stories and combines them with carefully-curated projected images. A merging of two disparate creative processes that will either bring about the end of civilization, as we know it, or provide a deeply satisfying evening of entertainment. We’re not sure which.
Produced by Mark Hedden & Marky Pierson
Presented by The Studios Of Key West
2017 Presenters
Anne Walters the Flexible Path
Breana Sowers Vintage Vernacular: Accidental Art
Ian Rowan debunks the mysteries of the narwhal.
Joy Nulisch tells her personal history with the iconic Glynn Archer Tiger, and more specifically, its creator.
Snow Phillip educates us on the prevalence of gingerbread architecture you can find throughout Old Town Key West.
Tom Flip on living out his photographic dreams.
2015 Presenters
Andy Thurber brings it home by preaching the gospel of one of the world’s more mystical elements: Guava jelly.
Mark Hedden on the moral depravity of everyone’s favorite bird, the Laughing Gull.
Molly Ross and Nancy Klingener on the unbearable coolness of a set of historic 3D photos of Key West. Includes free 3D glasses!
Nicole Nurenburg making the fool’s journey via the symbolic language and pictorial alphabet of the Tarot.
Don Kincaid telling a family tail involving turtles, ducks, cows, boats, Bermudans, Bahamians, Spanish dynasties, and bygone Key West real estate.
Tracey Holst on how intense occupational displeasure led her to quit her job, design a line of clothes, and have her first trunk show, all within the space of 15 months.
Paul Menta: how his history is predicting his future